Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Before the journey


I am a 26 year old female, and have always hated the way my teeth changed after having braces as a child. In all photoes of me smiling I have only found one where I smile face on to the camera. 99% of the photoes are taken from my left side, which make my teeth look pretty good. Any way, here is a pic I found from march 2005.

Then after alot of tossing the question around, I decided to get braces. I chose upper linguals and ceramic lowers. I got upper braces 24 th of October 2006, and had my first adj. 4 th of December. So I have had them for about 7 weeks. I have seen a lot of minor changes, and will load up more pictures as soon as I get a wire I am missing for my camera.

I look at this photo and I am so glad I have chose to do something about my smile!